Thanks for visiting the website of Alan, Marcie and Zenna. We hope it will be a good way for you to get to know us better. We are a small family, but we love each other very much, and enjoy spending time together. For many years we have desired to have more children in our family, and hope that we may be able to finally realize that dream through the miracle of adoption.

Our Family Timeline 
1.  Alan and Marcie first met in the sixth grade. Sometimes people assume that's when we fell in love, but anyone who remembers what it's like to be a sixth-grader will realize how unlikely that would be. Romance is pretty slushy to an eleven-year-old.

2. Alan and Marcie were married 17 years later, in Logan Utah. 

3. Zenna was born in July 2003. Alan began working on his master's degree that September.

4. Alan graduated from Utah State University with a master's degree in Electrical Engineering in December 2004.

5. In March 2005 we moved from Utah to Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Alan and his dad drove our moving van. Zenna and Marcie came on a plane with Alan's mom a few days later. We reached Johnstown on Easter morning.
Zenna and her grandpa during our move to Pennsylvania
 6. In 2006, we bought our first home. We only got to live in it for six months, then Alan got a different job in Logan, Utah and we moved back West. We reached Logan the evening of December 23rd. Our moving van arrived a few days after Christmas.
The Christmas tree our families set up for us in our new house.

7. By 2007 it was becoming obvious that our family wouldn't be able to have more children easily. After careful thought and prayer, we began to look into adoption.

8. In August 2008, we moved from Utah to Safford, Arizona for Alan's job. We rolled into Safford two days before Zenna started kindergarten.
We took the scenic route to Safford.
9. Four and a half months later, we moved back to Utah from Arizona. We arrived in North Logan three days before Christmas, and stayed in Alan's grandmother's house for six weeks. We moved into our current house in Layton, Utah on Valentine's Day 2009.
10. We resumed procedures to be approved for adoption in 2009, and Marcie began working on her master's degree that September.

Life in Our Home
Since being married we have lived in Utah, Pennsylvania, Utah, Arizona, and Utah. Alan’s work as a software engineer in robotics has led us to many different locations and allowed us to meet a variety of people. We enjoy friendships with people of many different backgrounds and love to share in their traditions and culture.

Our LDS faith is important to us and a great source of strength in difficult times or times of transition. Both Alan and Marcie had profound spiritual experiences as teenagers and young adults that were formative in the degree of commitment we have toward our faith. We feel that living our religion has helped to strengthen our marriage and allowed us to be better parents to our daughter.

Our family is small, but we love each other very much. We enjoy spending time together, and many of our hobbies are things that we can do together. We have many interests in the arts and sciences, and enjoy learning about just about everything. We love to laugh together and have fun. We hope that we can find another child to be a part of our family and to share in the love that we have for each other.